Grower’s Village
Urban agriculture creates opportunities for us all…
Through revitalizing unmanaged urban landscapes we can create land stewardship employment, and affordable housing opportunities, with more access to food, shelter, energy, and community.
Through rethinking urban landscapes and the built environments created by an inequitable, unjust, and dysfunctional paradigm of extraction and exploitation we must change our relationship to our fundamental resources. We create alternatives to failing systems by focusing on the power of healthy ecosystems; the foundation for healthy thriving communities.
We are building healthy soil on unmanaged properties to grow on them and offer affordable housing/land stewardship opportunities for regenerative growers. We hope that this project can not only bring back and support the many people who have been displaced from this area but also create a hub for decentralized fresh food production that can serve the city of New Orleans and its residents. Through incentivizing and uplifting the invaluable work of those who nourish us, we can showcase the intrinsic value that exists naturally in us all, that deserves respect and reverence. We have severed the natural processes and cycles of landmass accumulation with the failing infrastructure that has degraded and eroded the land we call Louisiana. By diverting tons of organic material that would otherwise be considered waste, we are able to mimic and recreate natural processes building up the land to increase flood control, mitigate coastal subsidence, all while producing food, jobs, and housing.

Community Compost Station
Drop off your food scraps with us and watch them grow on…
The community compost station is located at 2369 Urquhart St, directly across the street from our flagship location on the corner of St. Roch and Urquhart Street. You can place your frozen food scraps in the bin labeled “Mr. Digester”, and watch them break down into healthy soil through our aerobic decomposition process. We revitalized this property that was previously vacant and overgrown, by diverting tons of “waste” from tree trimming companies that would otherwise go to the landfill. These wood chips have served as an amazing groundcover to start building a topsoil while smothering unwanted vegetation. We also use the logs and mulch to create raised beds where we are currently growing a variety of plants here, including malanga, watermelons, rosemary, mint, nasturtiums, pansies, and much more to come!
Please feel to visit us to drop off your food scraps and schedule a tour with us to learn more about this process!
Below you can watch a short story about composting and learn more about how money really does grow on trees.

Green Infrastructure
Consultations & Instillations…
Grow On offers consultations and installations for green infrastructure and urban agriculture initiatives across the city. We focus on storm water management and regenerative edible landscaping. If you are interested in a consultation or installation please reach out to us!