Welcome to the Regenerative Revolution!
At Grow On we are transforming urban landscapes into functional ecosystems that produce food and medicine, support biodiversity, and cultivate community.
Grow On Urban Farms is a nonprofit organization creating long-lasting land stewardship opportunities around food sovereignty. We are growing the world we want to see by promoting alternatives, and inspiring autonomy over our resources.
Access to fresh food, energy, clean water, air, safe neighborhoods, meaningful opportunities, and green space is our goal for all, and we believe it starts in the soil.
“Regeneration is not only about bringing the world back to life; it is about bringing each of us back to life. It has meaning and scope; it expresses faith and kindness; it involves imagination and creativity. It is inclusive, engaging, and generous. And everyone can do it. It restores forests, lands, farms, and oceans. It transforms cities, builds green affordable housing, reverses soil erosion, rejuvenates degraded lands, and powers communities. Planetary regeneration creates livelihoods – occupations that bring life to people and people to life, work that links us to one another’s wellbeing. It offers paths out of poverty that provide people with meaning, worthy involvement in their community, a living wage, and a future of dignity and respect.”
- Paul Hawken

Our Organization
Find out more about our mission and ways to get involved with our organization. We offer educational tours, eco lodging, educational workshops, fundraisers & events, volunteer/ give & get opportunities, value-added products, consultations, installations, and much more!
Our Community Partners